UX Designer
As part of the Master of Human-Computer Interaction and Design program at UC Irvine, I conceptualized and designed an app that serves as a dedicated resource for planning and discovering arts and culture related activities within a user's travels. As users explore, the app's Travel Log allows them to record the art, architecture, and landscapes that they have seen, making for a learning and travel experience that they can look back on for years to come.
Ideating and Sketching
First, I took to Procreate to draft some sketches and illustrate my design direction. The sketches focused on the homepage and the "Travel Journal" (which later transformed into a "Travel Log" based on user feedback – more on that later!).
Low-Fidelity Wireframes
I began ideating on the core user flow of creating a journal entry (a way for users to log the museums, sites, and architecture they have encountered in their travels).
I created low-fidelity wireframes of the homepage, the art category page (where art museums in the city are listed), a specific gallery page, an art piece page, the “add to journal” field, and the first version of the travel journal.
High Fidelity Prototype
Next, I began adding more functionality, expanding on pages, and making incremental changes to the design.
User Feedback
Five users tested two iterations of the clickable Invision prototype and provided feedback. Some key changes I made based on user feedback were:
"Travel Log" instead of "Travel Journal"
For participants, the phrase “Travel Journal” connoted more personalized, long-form writing and information. My original intent for this function was for it to serve as an efficient way to quickly record arts-and-culture-related activities the user has completed. Therefore, "Log" described the feature more clearly.
Multiple paths for adding to Travel Log
Moving into the final iteration, I opted to create a button on the bottom of each page that says "Add to Travel Log," in addition to the icon toward the top of each page.
Carets for accordion content
Users noted that using carets would be more intuitive over the +/- for expanding and retracting accordion content (some users thought that the + indicated that they were adding something).
Added a note feature to the Travel Log, giving users the option to add personalized, written information to their Travel Logs.
Users Said...
Your app from the beginning was visually stunning.
I would recommend this app (if developed) to anyone who loves visiting museums and galleries.
Final Prototype
After receiving several rounds of user feedback, I continued to iterate on my design. Going into this project, I was motivated and driven by my own travels and my background in art history. I was determined to design a product that could truly be used as a way to both simplify and enrich the travel experience.
View Final Prototype
Key Screens
Home Page
Art Category
Gallery Page
Artwork Page
Travel Log
Travel Log, Florence
The Broad
Website Analysis